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1. open the brackets, put the verbs into the
present simple.
1. their friends seldom (to go for a walk
in the yard. ltotta
2. my mother usually (to dress) at eight
3. i sometimes (to wash up at a quarter to
we uomo
4. ben and dan often (to play) chess in the
5. my father usually (to go) to the stadi-
um on sundays.
6. we (to (like) to read the books in the
7. my friend always (to watch) tv at sev-
en o'clock.
8. she sometimes (to have) dinner at a
quarter to four.
9. they seldom (to get up) at eight o'clock.
2. open the brackets, put the verbs into the
present simple.
1. you often (to wake up) at seven o'clock.
2. she usually (to take) a shower at half
past nine.900
3. my friend always (to dress) at a quarter
past eight.

за ранние !

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Ответы на вопрос:

People like to travel. - люди любят путешествовать. they travel on business or for pleasure. - они путешествуют по делам и ради удовольствия. there are different ways of travelling. - существуют разные виды путешествий. they are: travelling by plane, by bus, by train, by car and by ship. - это: самолётом, автобусом, поездом, машиной и на корабле. as for me, my favourite way of travelling is by train. - что касается меня, мой любимый способ путешествия - на поезде. last summer i went to my grandparents by train. - прошлым летом я ездила к бабушке и дедушке на поезде. it was great! - это было здорово!

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