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когда я пришёл на станцию поезд уже ушёл

когда маша приехала в аэропорт она поняла,что забыла паспорт

после посещение библиотеки я купил молока и пошёл домой.

они пришли и поняли что кто-то вломился в их дом

лиза знала своего мужа 2 года ,когда они поженились

бил почувствовал себя плохо,потому что он съел много тортика на вечеринки

моя сестра жила в лондоне,как переехала в новую зеландию

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Ответы на вопрос:

When i arrived at the station the train had already left

when masha arrived at the airport, she realized that she had forgotten her passport

after visiting the library i bought milk and went home.

they came and realized that someone had broken into their house

lisa knew her husband 2 years when they got married

bill felt bad because he ate a lot of cake at parties

my sister lived in london when she moved to new zealand

And you need a little - a little snow. Then a little more, and a little more. It's not scary that now the night road shows temper, tries to slip out from under the wheels and shake the car into a ditch. This is how we play. But the trees no longer hide in the sticky, disgusting darkness, but go out into the headlights. Their clean silhouettes crowd along the roadside, overhanging the vigorous stars.

And in the village, a cheerful Jack, strong and joyful, simple-minded like any full-fledged creature, devoid of complexes and troubles, will fill the silence with his cheerful brute from forest to forest, from edge to edge.


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