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Определить к какому типу ударного слога относятся следующие слова: must,far,hare,kill,tent,man,box,like,make,music,fur,dirty,tyre,cure,see,her,mere,hope,sport,more

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Ответы на вопрос:

Must -2, far- 3, hare - 4, kill - 2, tent - 2, man - 2, box- 2, like -1, make- 1, music- 1, fur - 3, dirty - 3, tyre - 4, cure - 4, see- 1, her - 3, mere - 4, hope - 1, sport - 3, more - 4.

1. light over the street
2. Take a table out that room
3. let's sit around the table
4. My bag is under the table
5. My car between the houses
6. let's go to america in may!
7. i am from Russia
8. let's go in this room
9. she sit beside with window
10. I'm going to Moscow on Tuesday
11. We are at the station
12. The station is across the street
13. Central office this company beyond
14. she works with seven in the morning before five in the evening
15. after work i go to station
16. i can will go to Canada in 2002
17. i can will go to Canada in two months
18.Before breakfast i drink wather
19. let's go down!
20. i am going to America with m'y Friend
21. I wanna to go by bus
22. i get out of bed at five o’clock
23. The computer stand on table in front of my partner
24. Thé car costs more than five thousand dollars
25. That person from my office
26. the book is on the table

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