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1 a i feel quite tired this evening.
b don't worry. i 'll make (make) us some
dinner and you can get to bed early.
a thanks.
(i / lay) the table now or
wait until dinner is ready?
2 a have you heard from the garage yet?
b oh, i don't think the car
- (be) ready
until friday, at the earliest.
(1/call) them and check?
3 a would you like to play tennis with us tonight?
b i can't - i
- (go) to the cinema.
a that's a pity. what -
- (you i do)
on friday evening, then?
4 a have you organized your summer holidays yet?
b yes. we
(spend) two weeks touring
australia, although we don't know the exact dates
or places yet.
a wow - that
- (be) great!
5 a your exam results are terrible. what
(you / do) about it?
b i promise i
(work) much harder
next year.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 a i feel quite tired this evening.

b don't worry. i'll (make) us some dinner and you can get to bed early.

a thanks. (shall i lay) the table now or wait until dinner is ready?

2 a have you heard from the garage yet?

b oh, i don't think the car - (will be) ready until friday, at the earliest. (shall i call) them and check?

3 a would you like to play tennis with us tonight?

b i can't - i - (am going) to the cinema.

a that's a pity. what (are you doing) on friday evening, then?

4 a have you organized your summer holidays yet?

b yes. we (are going to spend) two weeks touring australia, although we don't know the exact dates or places yet.

a wow - that (is) great!

5 a your exam results are terrible. what (are you going to do) about it?

b i promise i (will work) much harder next year.

1.when i came home my sister was playing with her doll. when i came home my sister wasn't playing with her doll. 2.i was cooking dinner when my mother came home . i wasn't cooking dinner when my mother came home. 3. while i was cleaning my room my mother was washing the dishes. while i was cleaning my room my mother wasn't washing the dishes

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