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5imperative, infinitives, -ing form
choose the answer a, b, c or d.
1 when you get to the restaurant, gemma to call
a you ask b do you ask c to ask d ask
2 chris finally decided the job in new york.
to accept b accept c accepting d he accepts
3 do you remember jack you like him last night?
to tell b tell
c you tell d telling
4 i hope around the woанrld one day.
travel b to travel c travelling d to travelling
5 do you miss anna here to talk to about your problems?
a to have b have c having d you анhave
when we go out this evening, - anyone know our secret.
a not to let b we don't let c no let d don't let

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,6(72 оценок)

Именно потому что их написали во время древней руси.летературные потому что писал народ или писатель,т.к .публицистические потому что и сейчас их изучают и выставляют на всеобщее обозрение

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