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задать вопросы к 4-м предложениям,с переводом.
1) pupils (to get) bad marks last friday.
2) they (to build) a new house 5 years ago.
3) she (to be) late on monday.
4) we (to be) happy yesterday.​

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Ответы на вопрос:


1) pupils got bad marks last friday (ученики получили плохие оценки в прошлую пятницу)

when did pupils get bad marks? / what marks did pupils get last friday? (когда ученики получили плохие оценки / какие оценки ученики получили в прошлую пятницу)

2) they built a new house 5 years ago. (они построили новый дом 5 лет назад)

when did they build the new house? / what did they build 5 years ago? (когда они построили новый дом? / что они построили 5 лет назад)

3) she was late on monday (она опоздала в понедельник)

when was she late? (когда она опоздала? )

4) we were happy yesterday (мы были счастливы вчера)

when were we happy? / who was happy yesterday? (когда мы были счастливы? / кто был счастлив вчера? )

1) if you heat water,  it boils.   2. if people don't eat or drink,  eventually they die.   3. if i am late,  my father takes me to school.   4. if you have a toothache,  you visit the dentist . t5. when factories use fossil fuels,  it produces greenhouse gases 6. when you burn oil, the greenhouse effect gets worse. 7. when people cut down trees,  it is deforestation   8. when icebergs melt,  the sea level rises 9. if you use air conditioning wisely,  you save up energy 10. if people don’t protect animals,  they become extinct номер 2 1. if i won the lottery,  i would travel around the world. 2. if i were in brazil,  i would go to rio de janeiro. 3. they wouldn’t work any more  if they won the lottery .  4. we could go out  if it didn’t rain 5. what would you do  if you were me? 6.  i wouldn’t do that  if i were you  номер 3 type o conditionalif the sun (rises) high, it (becomes) very hot.plants (die), if it (doesn't ) not rain.people (get) fat, if they (eat) junk food.if a person (practises) sports, he or she always  (feels) good.type 1 conditionalif you (cook) the supper, i(will wash) the dishes.she (will pass) the test if she(studies) hard.if it  (is) sunny, we (will go) to the park.paula (will be) sad if juan (leaves.)type 2 conditional if i ( had) a million dollars, i (would buy)a big house. if dogs ( had) wings, they ( would be) able to fly. if i ( were) you, i ( would drive) more carefully in the rain. paula  ( would be) sad if jan ( left).

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