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Kazakhstan government features
kazakhstan has a parliamentary system with a president as head of the state. kazakhstan last presidential election
was in january 2006 for a seven-year term.) kazakhstan president serves as commander-in-chief, sets foreign policy,
can initiate legislation, and appoints kazakhstan prime minister, subject to parliamentary approval.
kazakhstan parliament is the supreme legislative body and consists of two chambers, the senate (upper house) and
the mazhilis (lower house). the 47 members of kazakhstan senate are indirectly elected representatives of regional
assemblies and appointees of kazakhstan president. the mazhilis is composed of 67 elected deputies. kazakhstan
parliament is elected for a four-year term.
kazakhstan prime minister is the head of the executive branch of government and is appointed by kazakhstan
president, with the approval of kazakhstan parliament. he chairs the cabinet, which, as of january 2006, consists of
three deputy prime ministers, the ministers of the 14 state ministries and the 5 chairmen of the state agencies.
the heads of the local administrations (akims of 14 oblasts and 2 cities) are appointed by kazakhstan president.
since december 1997, the capital of kazakhstan has been astana. from 1929 to 1997 the capital of kazakhstan was
the city of almaty, founded in 1854.​

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Ilove to travel because it is very interesting. you see different countries, cities will learn about their culture and traditions. i would like to visit singapore, maldives, france. i would also like to visit america, because america is a very big country and there are many opportunities in it. people usually visit places in america such as: the statue of liberty, the white house, niagara falls, time square. there are also many interesting places in washington: the national museum of ballooning and astronautics, the white house, washington monument, lincoln memorial, capitol th and others. it is necessary to study english well to speak excellent english, if i learn a little bit, then i can quite speak english. i don’t have to know the culture and history of the united states because i’m not american and don’t want to be a guide я люблю путешествовать, потому что это интересно.ты видишь разные страны,города узнаешь про их культуру и традиции.я бы хотела бы посетить сингапур,мальдивы, францию.мне бы хотелось бы посетить также америку, потому что америка большая страна ив ней много возможностей.люди обычно посещают места в америке такие как: статуя свободы, белый дом, ниагарский водопады, тайм сквер.в вашингтоне тоже много интересных мест: национальный музей воздухоплавания и астронавтики, белый дом,монумент вашингтона, мемориал линкольна, капитолий и другие.нужно хорошо заниматься языком чтобы отлично говорить на , если мне немного подучить то я вполне смогу разговаривать на .мне не обязательно знать культуру и сша потому что я не граждан америки и не хочу стать гидом

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