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1.he must work hard today
2. she is a teacher

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. he must work hard today

he must work hard today, mustn’t he?  

must he work hard today?

who must work hard today?

when must he work hard?

must he work hard today or tomorrow?

2. she is a teacher

she is a teacher, isn`t she?

is she a teacher?

who is a teacher?

what is she?

is she a teacher or a doctor?


ˈэнэ: хэˈлoу?   john: hi,anna, its john.how are you? джан: хай,ˈэнэ,  итс  джан.хaу  ар  ю?   anna: fine,and you? ˈэнэ: файн,энд  ю?   john: fine.are you free tomorrow to help me choose tinas birthday present? джан: файн.ар  ю  фри  тэˈмаˌрoу  ту  хелп  ми  чуз  ˈтинэзˈбёрсˌдей  ˈпрезэнт?   anna; yeah,i'd love to. when would you like to meet? ˈэнэ; йэ,айд  лав  ту.  уэн  ууд  ю  лайк  ту  мит?   john: how about 10 o'clock in the morning? джан: хaу  эˈбaут  10  эˈклак  ин  зэ  ˈморнин?   anna: i have an italian class until 12, so we can meet after that.ˈэнэ: ай  хэв  эн  иˈтэльэн  клэс  энˈтил  12,  сoу  уи  кэн  митˈэфтэр  зэт.  john: sounds great.shall we say 12: 30 at the train station ? джан: сaундз  грейт.шэл  уи  сей  12: 30  эт  зэ  трейн  ˈстейшэн  ?   anna: sure.see you there.ˈэнэ: шур.си  ю  зеэр.  john: thanks,anna.byeджан: сэнкс,ˈэнэ.бай

Популярно: Английский язык