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контрольная работа №1 (вариант 2)

progress check 1 variant 2
модуль 1 progress     
1) fill in:   pull, life, parade, raise, won, throwing,  final, display, change, place. 
1.  which team    ?
2.  who wants to    this cracker with me?
3    i’ve known her all my   
4.  she packed a    of clothes for the weekend.
5.people waited for hours to see the  fireworks    .
6. the people were waving and  streamers. 
7.they find each other in the    chapter of the book.
8.  the   is held every year.
9.  the film festival takes    in october.
10. they  help    money for the repair of the stadium.
2) complete the sentences with the correct  present forms of the verbs  in brackets. 
1.  we  /meet)  before, have we?
2.  how long  /  wait)  for me?
3.  the lesson  )  at 9.30 tomorrow instead of 10.30. 
4.   (look )  unhappy because he has (loose) his money. 
5.  dinner  )  good.
6.  i  )  now so it’ll be ready in about half an hour.
7.  we    really    (look)  forward to seeing you again.
8.  helen  /believe)  in ghosts. 
9.  she    (write)  her autobiography since 1987.
10.  they  (sell)  110 books    so far.

3) fill in the gaps with  past/present participles  formed from the words in bold. 
1.  they were  )  to find that he’d already left.
2.  the game was  )  for the spectators.  no one liked it. 
3.  i still find the job  )  .
4.  i’m really  )  with the results.
5.  please stop making that noise—it’s getting  ).
4) complete the sentences with  the correct relative. 
1.    isobel,    brother he was, had heard the joke before.
2.  the last time i went to scotland was in may,    the weather was beautiful. 
3.  we then moved to paris,    we lived for six years. 
4    and then mary,    we had been talking about earlier, walked in.
5.  his best movie,    won several awards, was about the life of gandhi.
5) fill in the gaps with  the correct preposition. 
1.  in the winter the place is crowded    skiers.
2.  i started to feel afraid  out alone at night.
3.  i never thought i could make it as an actor, but my parents always   me. 
4.  i'm very interested    history.
5 .we're waiting    the rain to stop before we go out.

6) match to form exchanges. 
1. what a nice party!   c
2. good luck!  
3. that's very bad luck!  
4. i lost my keys on friday the 13th.      
5. we lost the match.  a.  what a coincidence!
b.  thanks. i'll need it!   !  
с.  thanks. i'm glad you think so.
d.  better luck next time!    
e.  don't talk rubbish

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если ответ положительный, то: yes, he has.

отрицательный: no, he has not.

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