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1) я проснулся в 9 утра вчера. 2) я не вставал в 9 утра вчера 3) я положил книгу на стол вчера 4) я не клал книгу на стол вчера 5) я выпил стакан сока вчера 6) я не пил стакан сока вчера 7) я выпил чашечку чая вчера 8) я не пил чашечку чая вчера 9) я съел персик вчера 10) я не ел персик вчера 11) я пришел в школу вчера 12) я не приходил в школу вчера 13) я ходил на стадион вчера 14) я не ходил на стадион вчера

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ: 1) i woke up at 9 a.m. yesterday. 2) i did not get up at 9 a.m. yesterday 3) i put the book on the table yesterday 4) i did not put the book on the table yesterday 5) i drank a glass of juice yesterday 6) i did not drink a glass of juice yesterday 7) i had a cup of tea yesterday 8) i did not drink a cup of tea yesterday 9) i ate a peach yesterday 10) i did not eat peach yesterday 11) i came to school yesterday 12) i did not go to school yesterday 13) i went to the stadium yesterday 14) i did not go to the stadium yesterday


Will the problem be discussed ? he was i was not stamps were sold in the new shop was built last year hide and seek will be played in the poem isn't translated at home the boy wasn't visited last week

Популярно: Английский язык