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рассчитайте массу осадка,образовавшегося при взаимодействии 25 грамм хлорида бария с 80 граммами серной кислоты .оформите , составьте уравнение реакции, произведите необходимые расчеты,запишите ответ,согласно условию ​

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the lawyer profession is suitable for mentally stable people.   value of people is sociability, knowledge of laws, respect for one’s own and   someone else's opinion. lawyers are needed absolutely everywhere, therefore the profession   extremely in demand. the income of a lawyer depends on his personal achievements and   qualities, the work is far from monotonous and routine. performing work on   investigator posts can be visited behind many “closed” doors.   for international lawyers it is possible to stay in different countries, minus   their profession is force majeure. this profession is suitable   people who want constant development and do not like monotony.


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