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8 imagine you live in one of the places below.
write notes about your daily routine.
• a cabin in the forests or mountains
• an eco-protesters' camp
• a space station
• a desert island

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my house in the forest is small but cozy.

in the forest, a wolf didn’t attack me, but i managed to escape.

  in the forest, i wore a lot of delicious berries and mushrooms.

at night, i saw beautiful stars and enjoyed nature.

like i love nature


1.what pet has johnny got? =he has got a puppy. 2.what does johnny call his puppy? =he calls him spot. 3.what do you think is a good name for a dog? =rex is a good name for a dog. 4. have you got  a pet? =yes, i  have. 5. what is it? =it's a cat. 6. what do you call your pet? =i call it murzik. 7. do you like your pet's name? =yes, i do. 8. describe spot, please.=it's very little. it is a baby. it's black and white. 9. can you describe your pet? =it's very fluffy and nice. it's black. it's eyes are green. 10. what does johnny teach spot? =he teaches him a lot of things. he teaches him to understand the words "no","come" and "sit", to answer to his name and to bring slippers. 11.do you think spot is a clever dog? why? =yes, spot is a clever dog because it likes to listen to johnny and it understands him. 12. do you teach your pet.? =yes, i do. 13. what do you teach your pet? =i teach my pet to answer to its name. 14. does your pet learn quickly? =yes, it does. it learns quickly. 15. what can your pet do? =it can answer to its name. it can run and jump. 16. johnny is a good teacher, isn't he? =yes, he is. he is a good teacher. 17 what do you think of johnny? =johnny is a good boy and a good friend. 18. are you a good teacher of your pet? =i don't know. but i think i am. 19. are you and your pet good friends? =yes, we are. we are good friends.

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