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Одно вам не трудно мне приятно
exercise 3 (20 )

think about the school objects you have got (e.g., a pencil case, an eraser, a ruler, etc.) and talk about them. record your answer (audio or video). speak at least for 1 minute. support your answer with examples. make full sentences using the present simple tense, constructions ‘have got’, ‘there is/are’, etc.

the following questions will help you. it’s not necessary to answer all of them, just use them to think about what you will say and the language you will need.

what school objects have you got?

what size and colour are they?

what do you use these objects for?

what is your favourite school object?

what is the most useful one?

are there any school objects you do not need? why?


read the questions carefully and draw up a plan before you start recording your answer. внимательно прочитайте вопросы и составьте план прежде, чем запишете свой ответ на аудио/видео.
to get a higher mark try to use the active vocabulary of the previous lessons. чтобы получить высокую оценку, старайтесь использовать активную лексику предыдущих уроков.
speak clearly so that the teacher can hear and understand you. говорите четко, чтобы учитель мог понять вашу речь.
try not to make long pauses. старайтесь говорить без долгих пауз.
for this task you can get 20 points. 10 points for vocabulary and pronunciation and 10 points for grammar and accuracy. за данное вы можете получить 20 . 10 за использование активной лексики и произношение и 10 за грамматику и точность в использовании конструкций.
good luck! удачи!

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

Some   people think that the internet provides people with a lot of valuable information, while others show some concern about access to so much information via the internet. and those who worry about the excessive access to information argue that one may be drowned in the sea of information. in other words, we can waste our valuable time, mainly on searching the better and better information for our task, when using the internet. however, i think the internet is not so much a troublemaker as an invaluable tool.first, it is a user's responsibility to make good use of the internet. on the internet, most of reliable information is not free. so, you must pay something for good information. and people who are willing to pay have been getting what they exactly want from the internet. on the contrary, those who do not pay for a certain information but want the same result as payers' have been abusing the internet and facing problems derived from the uncertainty and inaccuracy of the information. in short, the golden rule is also valid on the internet: you get what you pay for it. in addition, there are not a few websites which provide valuable information for the public for nothing. for instance, official websites of korean government are always presenting people sound information including some statistics.thus, i agree with the thought that the internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. and i believe we should always remember that the internet itself is neutral, neither good nor bad

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