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надо создать предложение правильное с слов находящихся в коробке

скорее, всего, это правило артиклей a/an. правило артиклей звучит так: если говорим о неизвестном предмете, то неопределенный артикль a/an. если речь идет о чем-то определенном, то перед ним ставится артикль the. при чём, в случае с a/an,   а ставится перед словом с согласной буквой в начале, а an, соответственно, перед словом с гласной буквой в начале.


an apple

a pen

и т. д.

1) he to opened the window 10 minutes ago. i bought the books yesterday. 2. we discussed the matter last week. i brought the newspapers yesterday. 3. they studied english at school. she wrote 4 letters yesterday. 4. i translated this text quickly. we spoke with him last week. 5. my mother cleaned the room. the children went to the sportclub. 6. the workers asked many questions. he gave me his new pen. 7. the father repaired our tv- set. we went to the south by train. 8. the woman gave me the information. the students played football after classes. 9. i received the letter yesterday. we went to the village by car. 10. the accident happened last week. the teacher gave us much homework.

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