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6. выберите правильную форму прилагательного.(сделайте, , а то я не успеваю: с )

1. i didn't think you were (interesting/interested) in
ancient history.

2. you look (worrying/worried). what has happened?

3. if you feel (boring/bored), why don't we go to the cinema?

4. was your father (annoying/annoyed) when he learnt about your failure?

5. i find going round art galleries and museums very

6. children can't fall asleep on christmas eve, they are too (exciting/excited).

7. the tv show was so (boring/bored) that i fell asleep.

8. of course it was a (surprising/surprised) decision, but that was the only way out

9. exams are the most (frightening/frightened) thing
for me.

10. this new tall building is really (fascinating/fascinated).

11. have you seen jane recently? she feels a bit (depressing/depressed).

12. i have never found myself in such an (embarrassing embarrassed) situation.

13. let's invite bob. he is very (amusing/amused).

14. she is not (satisfying/satisfied) with her job.

15. it was a very (tiring/tired) journey.​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. interested
2. worried
3. bored
4. annoyed
5. tiring
6. excited
7. boring
8. surprising
9. frightening
10. fascinating
11. depressed
12. embarrassing
13. amusing
14. satisfied
15. tiring

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