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Ответы на вопрос:


1. slow-slower- the slowest

good-better – the best

happy-happier – the happiest

high- higher – the highest

expensive - more expensive – the most expensive

bad –worse –the worst

nice –nicer –the nicest

many- more – the most

pretty – prettier – the prettiest

2. 1. easiest

2. cheapest

3. most beautiful

4. best

5. fastest

3. 1. have

2. is

3. mix

4. goes

5. will visit


1. the letter 5 o’clock yesterday

b. had been written

2. after its publishing the article .

a. was talked

3. the children——after very well by this nurse.

c. are looked

4.the –next morning.

c. will be posted

5. the letters .

c. weren’t brought

6. this tomorrow.

c.will be told

7. this music next friday.

a. will be performed

8. this man –on two days ago.

c. was operated

9. i had to take a new dog because my old

c. had been stolen

10.the old by her children.

c. is looked


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