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Replace the infinitives in brackets by first, second and third conditional
in each sentence
заменить инфинитивы в скобках на первое, второе и третье условное
в каждом предложении:
1.1 if she (to find out) the truth, she (to be) very happy.
1.2 if we (not to like) his suggestion, we (to tell) him about it.
1.3 if john (to want) the advice, he (to ask) you.
1.4 if his sister (to have) better qualification, she (to be able to) apply for
better job.
1.5 they (to find) the solution, if they (to understand) the problem.
1.6 if beth (to go) to her native town, she (to be) happier.
1.7 if you (not to agree) with me, i (to go) to the director.
1.8 what you (to do), if he (to tell) you to leave?

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Ответы на вопрос:

2 was dissapointed ,dropped


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