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Use the phrases from ex. 5 to
complete the sentences.
1 the giant's causeway is a
on the irish coast.
2 people say it's a really
of myth and legend.
3 there was a
millions of years ago.
4. the
formed into
strange six-sided shapes.
5 the shapes ..
people can walk on them.​

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Ответы на вопрос:


какие слова вставлять то?

ответ: complete the sentences.


1 the giant's causeway is a bridge on the irish coast.

2 people say it's a really hero

of myth and legend.

3 there was a castle

millions of years ago.

4. the stone hand formed into

strange six-sided shapes.

5 the shapes plate and

people can walk on them.​


закончите предложения.


1 дорога гигантов-это мост на ирландском побережье.

2 люди говорят, что это действительно герой

из мифов и легенд.

3 там был замок

миллионы лет назад.

4. камень силы формируется в

странной шестигранной формы.

5 формы пластины и

люди могут ходить по ним.

Danny was travelling home last night on the train. he bought some chocolate before he gets on the train because he will be hungry,  so he starts to eat it. thewoman sitting opposite him breaks off a piece of chocolate for herself and then she went to sleep.

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