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Listen and read the text. answer the
questions. compare with your partner.1 what is the giant's causeway?
2 why can't people walk to scotland using the giant's causeway?
3 who built it and why?
4 who saved finn from benandonner and how?
5 how was the giant's causeway created according to scientists? ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ihave some ways of relaxation after hard day. firstly, i like lisstening to music. i like [вставь по желанию - rock рок. club клубняк. jazz джаз. blus блюз] music. secondly, i like reading books and magazins. for example, [всталяешь транслитом названия журналов/книг]. reading books help me to understand another cultures, books give me ideas for solving daily problems. also reading an interesting book helps me to relax. thirdly, i visit social networks (vk for example). i start messeging with my friends, wathing videos and fotos there. communicating with my friends also helps me to relax. and what ways of relaxation do you have?

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