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Iv. вставьте в предложения модальные глаголы can, may, must в
утвердительной или в отрицательной форме. переведите
предложения на язык.
1. she speak four languages and got the job easily.
2. it's a fantastic film. you see it.
3. i close the door? it's too cold here.
4. you touch the pictures in the art gallery.
5. have you seen my bag? i find it.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:







1.she can speak four languages and got the job easily.

2. it's a fantastic film. you must see it.

3. may i close the door? it's too cold there

4. you mustn't touch the pictures in the art gallery

5. have you seen my bag? i can't find it


1.она может говорить на четырех языках и легко выполняет работу.

2. это фантастический фильм. вы должны это увидеть.

3. могу ли я закрыть дверь? здесь холодно.

4. тебе не стоит трогать картины в художественной галереи

5. вы видели мой рюкзак? я не могу найти его

ответы на вопросы выделены жирным шрифтом

A How do you feel about car journeys? Do you get a bit bored, ask the driver how long it’s going to take, and then fall asleep? Or do you get extremely anxious? This is exactly how I felt last month, when I took a trip down the most dangerous road in the world. Вопрос: 2...about feelings people have when they travel? (Перевод: ...о чувствах, которые испытывают люди во время путешествия)

B The North Yungas road in Bolivia goes from La Paz, which is a very large city to the town of Coroico in the mountain region of the Amazon rainforest. The road is about 69 km long, but in that short distance it goes down from about 4,650 m high to 1,200 m. Although it is only about three metres wide and there are no guard rails, cars travel in both directions. The views are amazing, but between two and three hundred travellers are killed every year when they drive off the side of this road. In Spanish it is called El Camino de los Muertos – the Road of the Dead. Вопрос: 1...how many people die on the road? (Перевод: ...сколько людей погибает на дорогах?)

C When I went to visit my friend Jacqueline in La Paz, I had no idea how dangerous the North Yungas road was. I was very excited about the trip to the Amazon rainforest that she wanted to take me on. When we got on the bus, Jacqueline let me sit by the window to get the best view. I didn’t feel suspicious at all. Вопрос: 5...that someone wanted her to see the sights? (...что кто-то хотел, чтобы она посмотрела на достопримечательности)

D It was only when the journey started that I began to feel frightened. The bus drove right to the edge of the road many times, and when I looked over, I could see the forest about 600 m below us. We drove on quickly through thick cloud – how do you know where you’re going when you can’t see? I held on to Jacqueline’s hand. Then we drove under a waterfall that was slowly washing the road away. I was shocked! Вопрос: 4...about dangerous weather? (...об опасной погоде)

E When we met another car coming the other way, we drove so close to the edge of the road that a wheel seemed to go off the edge. This happened several times and I started thinking that we might not reach our final destination. When we finally got to Coroico, I felt so relieved. I let go of Jacqueline’s hand and saw that it was red. I was a bit embarrassed, but so happy that we were not on that road any more. Вопрос: 7...that she thought she might die? (...что она подумала, что может погибнуть)

Лишние вопросы:

3...about an injury that she had? (Перевод: ...о травмах, которые она получила)

6...how expensive the trip was? (Перевод: ...каким дорогостоящим оказалось путешествие)

Популярно: Английский язык