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Перескажите 1/4 мультика "босс-молокосос" на и в несколько предложений. ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

пошаговое решение:

1. (motivated) by the best of intentions, most teachers want their students to become (informed) and independent thinkers. many children ( facing) such problems become ( frustrated) and ( frightened). 2. sociological analysis shows that it is a purely cultural product ( arising) in certain societies for specific reasons. 3. the girls were sent to a medical centre in los angeles, one of a ( growing) number of hospitals around america. 4. developmental gains (won) can later be ( lost) and (re-won). 5. the ideas (surrounding) grownuphood were like those to do with marriage. 6. (entranced) by the utopia of the year 2000, which bore (marked) resemblance of my early heaven, i was also impressed by its economic basis in publicly ( owning) to the wealth and equal division of goods. 7. (hurt) beyond words, i sat down on the steps, (worried) not only about this night, but about the next day, ( concerned) over the children (living) at home with this new kind of father. 8. mary kicks aside the clothes (scattered) on the floor ( making) one big pile, the (rinsed) clothes are still in the washtub.

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