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in japan there ( an increasing interest in robots for the past several years. the japanese ( to take a greater interest in robots in 1996 when honda motor corporation ( p-2, a robot different from any other that ( until then. unlike previous robots, the new one had a unique battery pack which ( it to walk autonomously, and it climbed stairs and gave flowers to young girls, teats that previous computers (-2 had huge eyes and looked friendly. perhaps this positive image explains why a lot of time and money ( on robotic research in japan. many people see a real role for robots in future. by the middle of the 21 century, japan's older populeation ( tremendously. at that time, one in four japanese people ( over sixty-five. people wonder if robots ( able to take care of the increasing number of elderty people and undertake such tedious tasks as shoveling snow and washing windows.
а11. 1)is 2)had been 3)has been 4)will be
а12. 1)had started 2)were starting 3) were started 4) started
а13. 1) had been presented 2) presented 3)has presented 4)presents
а14. 1)was appeared 2)had appeared 3)has appeared 4)was appearing
а15. 1)allowed 2)was allowed 3)has allowed 4)had been allowed
а16. 1)were never done 2)had never done 3)were never doing 4)have never been done
а17. 1)spends 2)is spending 3)has been spent 4)has spent
а18. 1)is increasing 2)increases 3)will be increased 4) will have increased
а19. 1)are 2)is being 3) will be 4)has been
а20. 1)are being 2) have been 3) will be 4) would have been

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2i do not know (present simple) when she will give (future simple) evidence. 3 do you believe (present simple) all she has said? ( present perfect) 4 the newspapers write (present simple) he is staying (present continuous) in prison in switzerland 5 i'm sure (present simple) he will make (future simple) a good lawyer 6 is he studying (present continuous) law at the university? 7 i have never been (present perfect) to any court, criminal or civil 2 я не знаю, когда она будет давать показания. 3 верите ли вы тому, что она сказала? 4 газеты пишут, что он сидит в тюрьме в швейцарии 5 я уверен, что он станет хорошим адвокатом 6 он изучает право в университете? 7 я никогда не был в суде, ни в уголовном ни в гражданском

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