Есть ответ 👍

Перевести предложения.
я бы не стал доверять незнакомым людям.
не знаю, узнала бы я его сейчас. он так изменился.
я бы сходила в кино сегодня вечером.
он бы мог тебе с .
кто хотел бы поговорить со мной об этом?
я бы не принимал решение сейчас.
вы бы сказали ей такую новость?
я бы приготовила индейку на ужин.
ты бы поехала со мной в париж?
я бы купил себе новый автомобиль.
ты бы пошла в лес одна ночью?
где бы ты хотел провести свои летние каникулы? ​

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:


i wouldn't trust strangers.

i don't know if i'd recognize him now. he had changed so much.

i'd like to go to the movies tonight.

he could help you with your math.

who would like to talk to me about this?

i wouldn't make a decision now.

would you tell her the news?

i would cook turkey for dinner.

would you come to paris with me?

i would buy myself a new car.

would you go into the woods alone at night?

where would you like to spend your summer vacation?

1. i would not trust strangers.
2. i do not know if i would recognize him now. he has changed so much.
3. i would go to the movies tonight.
4. he could help you with math.
5. who would like to talk to me about this?
6. i would not make a decision now.
7. would you tell her such news?
8. i would cook a turkey for dinner.
9. would you come with me to paris?
10. i would buy a new car.
11. would you go to the forest alone at night?
12. where would you like to spend your summer holidays?

Iknew him when i was at school.

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