20.03.2022 16:17
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solve the problems:
3. the constant of penicillin inactivation rate is at 310k equals 0.02 hour find half-life of the
4. the constant of atropine base hydrolysis at 40 c equals 0,316 s ". mass fraction of atropine base in
solution equals 2,5%. after what time mass fraction value will be equal to 0,1%?
3. in chernobyl nuclear plant accident (april, 1986) release of caesium -137 took place. what part of
radionucleotide entering the organism does remain now? half-live period equals 30,17 year.
6. while curing cancerous diseases, the medicine containing iridium radionuclide -192 is injected in
tumour.. what part of injected radionuclide will remain in tumour in 15 days, if tos (1r) = 74,05
while keeping analgin pills, the constant of anal vin decomposition rate at 20°c is 15-10" sec". find shelf-life of
the pills (the time of decomposition is 10 % substanice) at 20 c. (813 days)
8. mineral waters of zheleznowodsk contain excess amount of radon radionuclide 222. calculate, what
part of nuclide--rn will remain in organism in 10 days after its intake, if half-life period of radon 222

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с алканами. А то ночью уже не соображаю ничего​

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