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Task 2. turn the following sentences into reported speech.
1. robert said, ‘this film is very funny’.
2. ‘i’m starting a new job next week,’ she said.
3. ‘i got my exam results last week,’ he told them.
4. ‘i can’t afford to buy this dress,’ said sally.
5. ‘i would buy a car if i had enough money,’ he said to her.
6. frank said, ‘that’s the house where i was born.’
7. ‘that was a wonderful party,’ said jill.
8. ‘oranges grow in hot countries,’ the teacher said.
9. ‘a lot of people visit museums,’ he said.
10. ‘this is a very famous
11. ,’ mum said to claire.
12. ‘i’ve already done the statue,’ the tour guide told us.
13. ‘i don’t like that jacket,’ said bob.
14. ‘i may be a little late this evening,’ she said.
15. ‘you’d better clean up the mess shopping,’ she said.
16. ‘i found this note under the sofa,’ said sue.
17. ‘i won’t be late again,’ he said to us.
18. ‘if i finish work early, i’ll call you,’ she said.
19. ‘i’ve been training hard recently,’ he told the reporters.
20. ‘shall i make some tea? ’ said sue.
21. ‘we must go home now,’ said the man to his children.
22. ‘those are the boys who chased me,’ sarah said.
23. ‘i’m going to a party tonight,’ lynne told her friends.
24. ‘i used to have long hair,’ laura said.
25. ‘there is too much violence on tv,’ said grandpa.
26. ‘you ought to make a decision soon,’ andrew told her

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. robert said that the film was very funny.
2. she said that she was starting a new job next week.
3. he told them that he had gotten his exam results last week.
4. sally said that she couldn’t afford to buy that dress.
5. he said to her that he could buy a car if he had had enough money
6. frank said that that was the house where he had been born
7. jill said that that was a wonderful party
8. the teacher said that oranges grew in hot countries
9. he said that a lot of people visited museums
10. и 11. непонятно, но может mum said to charlie that that was a very famous что-то (существительное)
12. the tour guide told us that he had already done the statue
13. bob said that he didn’t like that jacket
14. she said that she could be a little late that evening
15. непонятно
16. sue said that she had found that note under the sofa
17. he said to us that he is not to be late again
18. she said that if she finished work early, she would have called me
19. he told the reporters that he had been training hard recently
20. sue said that she wanted to make some tea
21. the man said to his children that they must have gone home then
22. sarah said that those were the boys who had chased her
23. lynne told her friends that she was going to a party that night
24. laura said that she used to have long hair
25. grandpa said that there were too much violence on tv
27. andrew told her that she had to had made a decision soon

современное телевидение

в последнее время телевидение подвергается критике за то, что оно представляет угрозу для моральных норм общества, поскольку оно показывает слишком много секса и насилия. есть слишком много военных фильмов и, что еще хуже, слишком много о секретных агентах, преступниках и полиции, которые стреляют в людей, как будто они кролики. естественно, многие люди не хотят, чтобы телевидение показывало секс, насилие и жестокость. они говорят, что такие программы, если они вообще должны показываться, никогда не должны запускаться в прайм-тайм или в любое другое время, когда их видят маленькие дети. люди также подвергают критике программы дурного тона, где совершаются грубые шутки или когда люди вынуждены бороться за определенную сумму денег, забывая о стыде, или программы, шпионящие за людьми в самые интимные моменты их жизни. такие программы приводят примеры унижения и безвкусицы.

некоторые телевизионные программы являются политически вовлеченными1 и представляют взгляды и идеи одной группы людей вместо того, чтобы представлять разные взгляды.

прежде всего, большинству телезрителей не нравятся телевизионные рекламные ролики2, которые могут испортить впечатление от хорошей программы, прерывая ее.

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