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ii. grammar
choose the correct form of the verb:
1) if he were a brilliant actor, he would get / would have got the main role.
2) if they didn't go / hadn't gone to moscow last year, they wouldn't have heard that famous musician.
3) i wish i were / be a writer. if i were / had been a writer, i would write interesting novels.
4) i would sail / would have sailed to africa if i were a sailor. i wish i were / been a sailor!
5) if i had studied maths better, i would have passed / would pass the test last year.
6) you would have written/would write the paper successfully if you had understood /understood the rule.
7) if only i known / knew english better!
8) she would enter /entered a university if she knew history better.
9) i wish i can/could tell the future.
10) if it weren't/ hadn't be so cold i would go / would gone to the park.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) if he were a brilliant actor, he would get the main role.

2) if they hadn't gone to moscow last year, they wouldn't have heard that famous musician.

3) i wish i were a writer. if i were a writer, i would write interesting novels.

4) i would sailto africa if i were a sailor. i wish i were   a sailor!

5) if i had studied maths better, i would have passed the test last year.

6) you would have written the paper successfully if you had understood   the rule.

7) if only i knew english better!

8) she would enter a university if she knew history better.

9) i wish i could tell the future.

10) if it weren't so cold i would go to the park.​

если вам понравилось мое решение, , отметьте его лучшим!

8 Б

9 Е


Популярно: Английский язык