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Answer the questions. is laura running? are betty and ana eating? is kate eating? is sally studying? are emily and susan cooking? is paul working?

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ: ответь на вопросы. лаура бежит? бетти и анна едят? салли учится? эмили и сьюзан готовят? паул работает? именно сейчас, в данный момент


1.i m afraid i have forgotten my book at home. 2. .has. the secretary come yet ? 3. i have learnt the rhyme. could you listen to me? 4. .have. you ever been to italy? 5. they have already informed me about the accident. 6. he is the most handsome man i have ever known. 7. kevin has already left for manchester. 8. h ehas not received any letters from her this week. 9. i have not heard from him since he left paris. 10. i have not seen tom for ages. 11. .have. you had a holiday this year? 12. we have seen(или we some good films recently. 13. they have been waiting for you for half an hour. 14. mom has been having a headache since she came from the theatre. 15. alan has been working in the bank for a year. 16. granny has been ill for a fortnight. 17. you ever riden a horse? 18. sue has not taken a lot of drugs since she joined the health club.

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