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Написать сочинение на 150-200 слов , на пословицу while there is life , there is hope ( пока живу - надеюсь ) . надо ; )

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While there is life, there is hope. this is a very true proverb. there are numerous examples in life where this proverbs proves true. let us see some of these. imagine a cat. it is just there, without any purpose or conscience. it just sits and hopes for a mate to come by. then a mate does come by, and then procreate. what is the sense in this? no idea. there's life, there's hope, there you have it. another example is in the works of chukovsky, "the wandering castle of eternity". while not exactly fitting into the essay, we can still find some hope in there, and some life. the main character narrowly evades a gruesome death by the hand of a thousand incubi, yet survives. because he had hope and never gave up. this is the true form of art and life. what if the proverb wasn't true? should we all sink into the chasm of the atrocity that is human life? will we give in to our carnal urges, or are we to resist the restless turning of the wheel of time? is there a purpose? maybe there is none. maybe we shouldn't even bother. i wish this essay wasn't so unnecessary. then, i would thouroughly revel in the dark desires of my innermost secrets. eat some ice cream, for instance. or go to the cinema. or impale a baby. whatever works, i guess. in the end, we can see, that while there is life, there is always hope, and we must never give up!

1. film - фильм (остальные :   зоопарк, концертный зал и тематический парк - места для развлечений и отдыха) 2. jar - жестяная банка (остальные :   паркет, угол, бар - слова по теме "части интерьера") 3.  greengrocer's - зеленщик, продавец овощей и зелени (остальные : комедия, анимационный, действие - слова по теме "театр, развлечение") 4.  stuffed animal - чучело животного (остальные : художественная галерея, мозаика, настольная игра - слова  по теме "развлечения, занятия во время досуга")5.  square - квадрат (остальные :   шоколад, чипсы, варенье - слова  по теме "сладости")

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