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put the adjectives in the right form to complete the sentences.

1 a: who's your (good) friend
b: jane. she is two years (young) than me and she's (sensible) person i know
2 a. i've never met a (dull) person than steve
b: well, he thinks he's (funny) and (creative) person in the world!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.I have not worked today.

2.We have bought a new lamp

3.He have written five letters.

4.She has not seen him for a long time

5.School has not started yet.

6.He has not had the time yet

7. I. have been on holiday for six day  

8.They have never been to Madrid

9.Jude has not see my new dress  

10.We have been married for two years


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