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я выбрала плов в азербайджанской кухне.
разумеется, с азербайджанской кухней чаще всего ассоциируется плов. в азербайджане рецептов этого блюдо насчитывается около 200. но существует одна примечательная особенность: сам рис и «начинка» готовятся отдельно друг от друга, и смешиваются лишь в тарелке, поданной к столу. рисовую кашу делают в чугунном или медном казане, на сливочном масле. в отдельной ёмкости готовят смесь кусочков баранины, пряностей, овощей и фруктов. блюдо действительно получается неизменно вкусным, в каком бы рецепте его не приготовили.

) заранее .​

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добрый вечер!

i have chosen a pilaf in azerbaijani cuisine.

it's for sure that pilaf is most often associated with azerbaijani cuisine.there are about 200 recipes for this dish in azerbaijan.but there is one remarkable feature: the rice itself and the "filling" are prepared separately from each other, and are mixed only in a plate served to the table.

rice porridge is made in cast iron or copper cauldron, cooking in butter.in a separate container, a mixture of mutton pieces, spices, vegetables and fruits is prepared. the dish really turns out to be consistently tasty, no matter in which recipe it is prepared.

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1. when the job was finished, the secretary left the office. 2. after losing the match, the team left the field. 3. having put out the candle, she lay down on the sofa and tried to sleep. 4. when he set a new world record, he became very popular among sports fans. 5. since he broke his leg, he could not take part in the competition. 6. i stood on the platform and waited for the train to leave. 7. friends shifted from foot to foot and did not know what else to say. 8. people stood in line and waited for the store to open. 9. the young man liked to sit by the sea, watching the waves. 10. i like to watch swans swimming on a pond. 11. mother watched as the child plays with a ball. 12. she was puzzled when she saw that a stranger was rummaging in her bag. 13. you can find such examples in the textbook published by this publisher. 14. the journal i took from anna is very interesting and fascinating. 15. books written by m. twain are read with great interest throughout the world. 16. i was shown a list of scientific literature, usually obtained by our university library. 17. hot weather, followed by a rainy season, was favorable for growing crops. 18 the book, which was just referred to, is sold in the store "friendship." 19. the doctor, for whom he was sent in such cases, lived near our village. 20. the telegram sent was signed by the director. 21. the task is very difficult, although interesting. 22. arriving at the station, john bought a ticket, walked along the platform and sat on the train. 23. after pouring a cup of tea, he sat in a chair and looked at the woman sitting opposite him. 24. zyydya from home and crossing the road, olga suddenly stopped, because she remembered that she forgot to call her friend. 25. while waiting in the waiting room, gemma considered all the issues that she planned to discuss with the manager. 26. leaving the baby with the nanny, mary went to work. 27. when he wrote his first book, he could not help thinking about the reaction of the critics. 28. after spending 10 years abroad, she was happy to return home. 29. not wishing to discuss this difficult and painful question, he changed the subject of the conversation. 30. having come home yesterday, i continued to think about my friend. 31. closing the book and putting it aside, i looked at the children running around the yard. 32. the story, translated by a good specialist, retained the brilliant humor of the original. 33. speaking in english, pay attention to the order of words and sentence. 34. be careful when crossing the street. 35. when leaving home, do not forget to turn off the light. 36: traveling through central africa, the researchers met a lot of wild animals. 37. upon learning who this man was, steve was very glad that there was an opportunity to talk with him. 35. the windows, broken by those mischievous boys, are already inserted. 39. the girl living opposite received a prize for participating in the competition. 40. the boy who broke the window is called peter.

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