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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past form.
holiday trouble
i remember the first time i (1 go) abroad on holiday. i (2 just/leave) school. i (3 study) very hard for my final exams and i (4 feel) that i needed to get away. a friend of mine (5 want) to go away as well, so we (6 decide) to look at some brochures at a travel agent’s. we (7 search) for about an hour when my friend (8 find) the perfect holiday – two weeks in cuba. we (9 be) very excited about it. finally, the day of our holiday (10 arrive). we (11 just/ leave) the house when the phone (12 ring). i (13 run) back into the house but the phone (14 stop) by the time i (15 reach) it. when we (16 get) to the airport, we (17 check) in and (18 go) to the cafeteria. while we were having our coffee, the airline (19 make) an announcement. our flight was delayed for eight hours. it was then that i (20 realise) what the phone call was about.

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put the verbs in brackets into the correct past form.

holiday trouble

i remember the first time i (1 went) abroad on holiday. i (2 had just/left) school. i (3 was studying) very hard for my final exams and i (4 felt) that i needed to get away. a friend of mine (5 wanted) to go away as well, so we (6 decided) to look at some brochures at a travel agent’s. we (7 had been searching) for about an hour when my friend (8 found) the perfect holiday – two weeks in cuba. we (9 were) very excited about it. finally, the day of our holiday (10 arrived). we (11 had just/ left) the house when the phone (12 rang). i (13 ran) back into the house but the phone (14 had stopped) by the time i (15 reached) it. when we (16 got) to the airport, we (17 checked) in and (18 went) to the cafeteria. while we were having our coffee, the airline (19 made) an announcement. our flight was delayed for eight hours. it was then that i (20 realised) what the phone call was about.

The great patriotic war of 1941-1945 war with the soviet union against nazi germany.during the war killed about 7 million people.9 may in russia is the day of victory.this day involves a lot of traditions.at the beginning of may throughout the country, i congratulate the veterans.all schools held events devoted to the victory day.in major cities across the country with parades.the main parade takes place on red square in moscow.night across the country to commemorate the victory of the festive fireworks.victory day is a great occasion for our country.it must be remembered to all generations.pass the tradition to their children.  

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