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Test paper variant 7 №1. раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол-сказуемое в нужном времени: we (skate) next sunday. i (wash) the dishes now. the sister (sleep) when i came home yesterday. they (go) to the post-office last evening. we (watch) tv at 8 o’clock tomorrow. our friends always (help) us in the garden. №2. выберите правильную форму глагола: 1. the letter…..by me yesterday. a) wrote b) was written 2. they…..the shop at 8 o’clock every morning/ a) open b) are opened №3. спишите предложения, подчеркните в них глаголы сказуемое, переведите предложения письменно: this work will be done by the students. we were invited to the concert by our friends. hockey is played in winter. these exercises must be written by us. №4. напишите предложения №2, 3 в отрицательной и вопросительной форме ( №3). №5. переведите следующие предложения из действительного залога в страдательный залог: they cleaned the floor in the room. he will win this game. everybody can buy bread in this shop. i cook breakfast every morning.

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Ответы на вопрос:

We will skating next sunday. i wash the dishes now.the sister slept when i came home yesterday.they'll going to the post-office last evening.we 'll watch tv at 8 o'clock tomorrow.our friends always helping us in the garden

dear friend, i am tiny. i live in   new york. i think i am very interesting personbecause i know a lot of interestin things . but i am not kind to other people.i like to learn languages ans i like coffee with milk.   i can dance and i am really good at it. but i can't find friends, so will you help me?  

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