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Choose the correct response.
33 i’ve got a toothache.
34 i feel very tired.
35 tom is always late.
36 i’m worried about my exam
37 it ‘s raining and i haven’t got an umbrella.
38 i’m worried about the crime in my area.
39 i need to get more exercise
40 i’ve got a splitting headache.
a you should take a painkiller.

b you shouldn’t worry so much.

c you should join neighbourhood watch

d you should see a dentist

e he should buy an alarm clock.

f you should wait until it stops.

gyou shouldn’t stay up late.

h you should join a gym.

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Ответы на вопрос:

33 - d, 34 - g, 35 - e, 36 - b, 37 - f, 38 - c, 39 - h, 40 - a

33d 34g 35e 36b 37f 38c 39h 40a

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