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we can communicate with other people in many different ways. we can talk and write, and we can send messages with our hands and faces. there is also the phone (including the the fax, and e-mail. television, film, painting, and photography can also communicate ideas.

animals have ways of exchanging information, too. bees dance and tell other bees where to find food. elephants make sounds that human can't hear. whales sing songs. monkey use their faces to show anger and love. but this is nothing compared to what people can do. we have language -- about 6000 languages. in fact, we can write poetry, tell jokes, make promises, explain, persuade, tell the truth or tell lies. and we have a sense of past and future, not just present.

communication technologies were very important in the development of all the great ancient societies:
around 2900 bc, paper and hieroglyphics transformed egyptian life.
the ancient greeks loved the spoken word. they were very good at public speaking, drama and philosophy.
the romans developed a unique system of government that depended on the roman alphabet.
in the 14th century, the printing press helped develop new ways of thinking across europe.

radio, film, and television have had a huge influence on society in the lat hundred years. and now we have the internet, which is infinite. but what is this doing to us? we can give and get a lot of information very quickly. but there is so much information that it is difficult to know what is important and what isn't. modern media is changing our world every minute of every day.

1. the article deals
2. the main idea of the text
3. it should be noted
4. in my opinion the article
5. in conclusion i'd like to say

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1i study english.   2 do you play the piano?   3 bill robins was a very rich man. he was the richest man in the village.   4 in siberia there are many long rivers: the ob, the irtysh, the yenissei, the lena and the amur.   5 the crimea is washed by black sea.   6 we went to the cinema in the evening.   7 winter is a goodtime for sports.   8 where did you buy this bought it at a big store in nevsky-prospect on tuesday.

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