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мэри и роберт отправились искать своего отца пропавшего в океане. они отправились вместе с богатым лордом . им была известна только широта того места, где находился грант. они обыскали много мест и чуть не погибли от потопа или от жажды. капитана нашли на одном из островов, туда хотели высадить бандита.

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mary and robert set off to look for their father missing in the ocean. they set off with the rich lord. they knew only the breadth of the place where the grant was located. they searched many places and nearly died from the flood or thirst. the captain was found on one of the islands, they wanted to land a bandit there.




mary and robert set off to look for their father missing in the ocean. they set off with the rich lord. they knew only the breadth of the place where the grant was located. they searched many places and nearly died from the flood or thirst. the captain was found on one of the islands, there they wanted to land a bandit

Philipp left an hour ago

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