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1.he has never seen a dodo in his life.
2.man destroys different species of animals every .
3.people damage plants and trees in the forest.
4. you can use this paper to write a latter to your friend.
5. people use wood to produce furniture of different kinds.
7.we most recover our forecast after the fire .​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. a dodo has never been seen by him.

2.different species of animals are being destroyed by man every

3.plants and trees in the forest are damages by people.

4. this paper can be used to write a latter to your friend.

5.wood is used by people   to produce furniture of different kinds.

7.our forecast are recovered by us   after the fire .​

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3. plants and trees in the forests were damaged by people.

2. different species of animals are destroyed by man every year.

1. a dodo has never been seen by him in his life.

4. this paper can be used to write a letter to your friend.

5. cardboard will be produced from wood at this factory.


все предложения трансформированы в пассивный (страдательный) залог

in early jane there was nothing interesting, but on the 17th day, since early in the morning, i was already going to the camp. there were many unexpected situations and crazy moments.   june was more peaceful, and i spent time as well as all people. august was the most intense. i didn't want to go to the countryside. because i understood, that i won't have funny stories like my friends, i'll just dig potatoes, so i stayed in the city. as usual the most sad time was 31st day.

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