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1. look! (reads / have read / is reading) a book.

2. kate often (is going / go / goes) for a walk in the evening.

3. next year (am / will be / was) a pupil of the 11th form.

4. my mother already cooked / was cooking / has cooked) dinner.

5. i (get up / am getting up / got up) at 7 o`clock.

6. (are inviting / invited / will invite) me to play with them tomorrow.

7. when i / was going / went) to school yesterday at 8 a.m, i / meet / was meeting) my friend.

8. "what (was doing / were doing / have done) between 9.00 and 10.00 yesterday? " asked the detective. "i / am cleaning / was cleaning) my house", said mrs jones. "i always (clean / am cleaning / cleaned) my house at this time"

9. they (have listened / are listening / have been listening) to music for 2 hours.

10. my friend and i (were going / go / went) to the cinema last week.

11. i (have written / wrote / had written) the letter by 5 p.m. yesterday.

12. after i … (read / had read / was reading) the instructions, i … (switched / had switched / has switched) my new computer.

13. tomorrow at 2 o’clock i (will fly / fly / will be flying) over the ocean.

14. (is losing / lose / will lose) weight, if he (stop / stops / will stop) eating too much.

15. i (will go / would go / would have gone) for a walk yesterday, if the weather (was / had been / will be) fine.

16. my mother / cooks / cooked) dinner every day.

17. this house (is / was / will be) built last year.

18. who (was playing / is playing / has played) the guitar in the next room now?

19. they (have told / are telling / had told) me about their trip to paris.

20. the room (cleaned / was cleaned / is cleaned) every saturday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

sun raised. it was already spring, but the snow has not melted yet. it was time for animals to wake up from their   winter sleep, the first to come out from the house was a cub of a bear. he really   wanted to play with someone and saw a raven on the branch of the tree and started throwing snow balls at him. the bird flew away and a cub followed it. in conclusion he got lost. he wanted to eat fish and honey, but he didn't give up and ran straight, then he saw manny arrows, which showed him a way to get out, but he didn't know   where to go. he was so tired, that he fell asleep under a fur tree. finally, his mother found him.

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