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Вставьте артикель, где необходимо. 1. it’s … most useful article i’ve ever read. 2. today is … monday … 20th of …september. 3. what … interesting contribution. 4. his… attendance at … conference is … impossible. 5. … chairman proposed to open …page…thirty-five of … drafting resolution. 6. he gave his…annotation to…article to…times. 7. we have …few reports to speak with. 8 there is …agenda of … conference. 9. there are … scientists from … china at… conference. 10. … smirnovs is… marriage couple of … most outstanding scientists. 11. last year we visited …conference on… psychology at …london university. 12. … contribution is very important. 13. … first circular usually contains … preliminary application form. 14. … course of any conference is directed by … chairman. 15. it is … duty of …promoters of the meeting to elect … chairman.

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B) meet c) has forgotten b) don't believe b) saw/was wearing a) have written a) yourself b) them c) to stay a) have been a) used to live/used to take

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