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my favourite pet is my dog. his name is larry. he is white with a bit of brown. he has long fur and a short tail. he is very cute and funny. when he hears my voice his tail is wagging. he likes eating meat, cakes and even chocolate. he lives in our house. all my family likes to play with him. larry loves to run in the fields. he often follows me around the house with a small ball in his teeth and drops it on my foot, so i will kick it. larry takes care of me. if someone approaches me, he starts to bark. but he never bites. all these reasons show why i really love my wonderful dog larry.

мой любимый питомец — моя собака. его зовут ларри. он в основном белого цвета с небольшим количеством коричневого. у него длинная шерсть и короткий хвост. он милый и смешной. когда он слышит мой голос, его хвост дружелюбно . он любит есть мясо и пирожные. он живет в нашем доме. вся моя семья любит играть с ним. ларри любит бегать в полях. он часто бегает за мной по всему дому с маленьким мячом в зубах и опускает его на мою ногу, чтобы я пинал его. ларри заботится обо мне. если кто-то подходит ко мне, он начинает лаять. но он никогда не кусается. все эти причины показывают, почему я действительно люблю свою замечательную собаку ларри.


dog (canis lupus familiaris) - an animal

that is tamed and domesticated by man

in ancient times. the first

archaeological finds of the skeletons of

this animal near a person’s dwelling,

discovered on the eurasian continent,

date back to the mesolithic era. most

likely, the dog was the first domestic

animal to assist the ancient man in


the ancestors of dogs are ancient

wolves and other representatives of

canids, possibly jackals. from them,

she got a fairly strong muscular body

covered with wool. the shape and size

of the dog’s head is a determining

exterior sign by which the dog can be

attributed to a particular breed. the

head of the dog conditionally consists of

the skull and muzzle.

the skull and muzzle. the body of the dog has a head, neck,

withers, chest, back, croup, sacrum, tail

and four limbs - front and rear. the

paws of the dog are equipped with claws

that, when walking, do not fold into the

pads. the dog has well-developed

muscles, which allows the animal to

make various movements, including

moving not only in steps, but also

wonderful to run at a decent speed or

make fairly high jumps.

the dog's dental system is represented

by 42 teeth, among which there are

incisors, fangs, premolars and molars.

the teeth of dogs are located on both

the upper and lower jaws. the fangs of

this animal are large and well developed.

going one after another, the fangs of the

upper and lower jaw form a castle.

1 дано

2 Is our room big? -Yes, it is. It is big.

3 Is their dog black and white? -No, it isn't. It isn't black and white.

4 Is her dress new? -Yes, it is. It is new.

5 Are his books good? -No, they aren't. They aren't good.

6 Are your children at home?- No, they aren't. They aren't at home.

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