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Write the past simple of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences.
a) yesterday i went to the park (go)
b. my grandparents …….. us last week (visit)
c. last weekend i ………. an email to my friend (write)
d. my brother ………. any computer games last night (not play)
e. we ……… cereal and ……… juice for breakfast (eat, drir)
f. i . my favourite tv programme yesterday (not watch)
g. my friend ….. me a new pencil case for my birthday (give)
h. yesterday i ……… to school. i ………. by car (walk, not go)

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Ответы на вопрос:



b. visited

c.   written

d. didn't play

e. eaten, (не могу понять что за глагол drir)

f. i didn't watch

g. given

h. walked, didn't go

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