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choose the correct response.
1 a: what was the performance like?
b: a not really. b it was fantastic.

2 a: what seems to be the problem?
b: a it's my shoulder. b i'm afraid it's infected.

3 a: what does he do for a living?
b: a he works shifts. b he works as a nurse.

4 a: i'll make sure it doesn't happen again.
b: a you're welcome.
b thanks. i'd really appreciate that.

5 a: if we offer you the job, when can you start?
b: a i'll be in touch. b immediately.

6 a: do you want to go out later?
b: a sure!
b it was nothing special.

7 a: hello. i'd like to book a room, please.
b: a your booking reference is 2223344.
b certainly. which dates, please?

8 a: should i come and see you again?
b: a yes, it's very red. b only if it gets worse.

9 a: what day?
b: a 12 merton st. b 19th july.

10 a: you look nice. is something different?
b: a i got a new haircut.
b you've grown your hair.​

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Я никогда не хожу в школу со своей собакой.

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