29.11.2020 07:11
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Аnd while we're on the subject of people suddenly disappearing, how about this odd incident? in november 1930, a hunter from an inuit village in northern canada - the inuit are also sometimes called eskimos - said goodbye to his friends and family and went off for two weeks huntoer i 7 n the mountains. when he returned home, he discovered that the entire population of his village, over 2,000 people, had completely disappeared. cookingpots were simmering gently on the stoves in the small huts they lived in, but there were no people left at all. and there were to tracks or footprints in the snow leading away from the village. a massive search found no trace of the tribe and no-one knows what happened to them now isn't that strange? переведите текст язык ​

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4,8(62 оценок)

Они считали что общество -это "духи неба",и говорили что они должны изучать правила конфуция-ученого мудреца ,который составил для "духов неба и земли " правила устроя жизни.

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