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Найти ! hi! thanks for the email. it's raining outside so i am sitting in the living room and i are watching the waterland olympic games in tv. at the moment the sea cows are get ready to race. they're so funny! i'm hungry, i'm eating a burger. are you watching the games, two? do you want to meat later?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iare-сказать нельзя. on tv, а не in tv, так как in значит внутри at the moment и это предложение полностью неправильно. two, неуместно, т.к. пишется too. и не meat,а meet. а так тут смысле нет в сообщении.

He had scarcely (got) outside the door when he (heard ) wardle's voice talking loudly. i knew right away that was the place i (had been looking for) all my life.

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