Есть ответ 👍

Выберите единственно правильный ответ:
  1. his life interesting.
  a. am
  b. is
  c. are
  2. there is … garden in front of the house.
  c. –
  d. an
  3. he … in five minutes here.
  a. am
  b. is
  c. will be
  d. was
  4. we never been to london.
  a. had
  b. were
  c. have
  d. has
  5. – what are you doing? – i reading a book.
  a. was
  b. am
  c. shall
  d. have
  6. i know there is ….. in that box.
  a) some
  b) something   
  c) anything
  7. they the institute three years ago.
  a. have entered
  b. entered
  c. had entered
  d. were entering
  8. where your son learn?
  a. do
  b. does
  c. is
  d. are
  9. elisabeth really loves … garden.
  a. she
  b. her
  c. hers
  d. it
  10. there isn't juice in the bottle.
  a. much
  b. many
  c. a few
  d. a lots of
  11. выберите существительное во множественном числе:
  1. sportsmen
  2. vegetable
  3. foot
  4. photo
  12. this exercise is … than the previous one.
  a. the most easy
  b. easier
  c. easy
  d. the most easiest
  13. you … not touch anything here. it is dangerous.
  a. need
  b. can
  c. must
  d. have to
  14. найди правильный перевод: «тридцать первое июля»
  a. the thirty – first of june
  b. the thirtieth –one of july
  c. the thirtieth – first of july
  d. the thirty- first of july
  часть «в»
  найдите и исправьте ошибки в предложениях (только одна ошибка в предложении); запишите правильное предложение:
  15. dan said that the sun were shining brightly that day.
  16. it was lovely to hear form you on tuesday.
  17. mr. watson also has a very high opinion of herself.
  прочитайте вопросы и выберите правильный и логичный вариант ответа:
  18. rita asked if i could give paul a ride home. who needed a ride?
  a) paul did
  b) i did
  c) rita did
  d) paul and rita did
  e) paul and i did
  19. a: excuse me, barbara! i`m sorry to trouble you, but i`m afraid i have a
  b: ann?
  a: the thing is, i need to go to the doctor`s and my car won`t start. i wonder if i could borrow yours.
  b: .
  a: thank you very much.
  a) what`s the matter/of course, you can
  b) shall we leave/all right
  c) do you know/no, it`s impossible
  d) would you like it/sure
  e) what happened/i need it myself
  20. в каком слове звук, передаваемый буквой «аа», отличается от остальных ее звуковых выражений?
  1. a) arm; b) dark; c) barn; d) care; e) car; f) mark; g) far.
  2. a) dare; b) care; c) farm; d) bare; e) fare.
  21. зачеркните лишнее слово к теме “vegetables”:
  1. a) cucumber b) watermelon c) cabbage d) beans e) beetroot f) lettuce; g) tomato;
  2. зачеркните лишнее слово к теме "meat":
  a) bacon b) plum c) steak d) pork e)sausage f) chop g) lamb h) chicken i) beef.
  22. подберите к глаголам соответствующие им определения:
  1.to cost  a. to give something to someone else in return for money.
  2.to sell b. to come together with someone
  3.to meet c. to put or take food into the mouth, chew it
  4.to tell d. to ask someone if they would like to have something or if they would like you to do something
  5.to eat e. to move along, faster than walking
  6. to offer f. to say something to someone, often giving them information or instructions:
  7.to run g. if something costs an amount of money, you must pay that amount to buy or do it:
  выберите правильный эквивалент данной пословицы:
  23. east or west, home is best.
  a) о вкусах не спорят.
  в) не зная броду, не суйся в воду.
  с) дом, милый дом.
  d) в гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
  e) век живи, век учись.
  24. образуйте прилагательное при суффиксов от глагола «differ» и запишите его: a) al b) ent c) ful d) able e) y
  25. ответьте письменно на вопросы:
  1.what is your
  2. how old are
  3. is your family large or small
  4. what was your favourite subject at
  5. do you like sport? what kind of sport do you prefer?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1A 2C 3 B 4A 5 A


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