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Согорода собрали 124 кг лука, картофеля в 3 раза больше, чем лука, а капусты на 86 кг меньше, чем картофеля. сколько кг овощей собрали с огорода?

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,6(42 оценок)

Exercise  4when she was younger, she used  to play  tennis every day. it’s already 10: 00, but jane hasn’t finished her homework yet. joe has crashed his car three times since christmas. have you done your homework, or have you been watching tv? karl has been driving for five years. this hotel has been (no already) in business for twenty years.  exercise  5 alice does not the bus to school every day. she usually walks to school do you take the bus to get to school or do you walk? who is this man? i think that i know him, but i have forgotten his name. the children had a good time at the park yesterday. they gave small pieces of bread to the ducks. then they took pictures of themselves. where are the children? they are watching tv in the room now. some minutes ago they played a game. now i am in my class. i am sitting at my desk. i always sit at the same desk.
4,4(29 оценок)


782 кг

пошаговое объяснение:

124+124×3+(124×3-86)=782 кг всего собрали овощей

4,5(78 оценок)


782 килограмма

пошаговое объяснение:

найдём сколько собрали картофеля, массу лука умножим на 3


найдём сколько собрали капусты, от массы картофеля отнимет 86


а дальше находи массу всех овощей то есть слаживаем

124+372+286=782 кг

ответ: 782 кг

1) 63×4=252 2) 252÷3,5=72км/ч

Популярно: Математика