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Наидите ошибки !
mr.paddington are fron peru.
maria and joseph are at the supermarket.
i am go to work at seven o'clock every morning.
my brother and i am both very busy today.
is mr.jones is at the park?
why are the books on the floor?
do they both work at the supermarket?
where the post office is?
are you know the answer to the question?
i don't know the answer to the last question.
the students at the library.
i am happy today because today a holiday.
what color your new car is?
carol likes the new italian restaurant.
january is the first month of the year.
are they is at the movie theater?

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

mr. paddington are from peru.

maria and joseph are in the supermarket.

i go to work at seven o'clock every morning.

my brother and i are both very busy today.

is mr. jones at the park?

why the books are on the floor?

do they both work in the supermarket?

where is the post office?

do you know the answer to the question?

i don't know the answer to the last question.

the students are at the library.

i am happy today because today is a holiday.

what color is your new car?

carol likes the new italian restaurant.

january is the first month of the year.

are they at the movie theater?

mr. paddington is from peru.

maria and joseph are at the supermarket.

i go to work at seven o'clock every morning.

my brother and i are both very busy today.

is mr. jones at the park?

why are the books on the floor?

do they both work at the supermarket?

where is the post office?

do you know the answer to the question?

i don't know the answer to the last question.

the students are at the library.

i am happy today because today is a holiday.

what colour is your new car?

carol likes the new italian restaurant.

january is the first month of the year.

are they at the movie theater?

1. i was born in moscow 2.i'm an active person  3.my childhood dream was travelling around the world 4.my earliest memory is my mom cooked delicious5. i am grateful to my parents because they taught me a lot6.the person that a admire is my mom7.my dream is being clever8.the most memorable day in my life was 2 years ago9. the movie that i waill never forget is 'shrek'10.i would like to know english better

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