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still,people who could spare the money tried o send their boys to school,because without learning to read and write and generally becoming educated,boys could not hope to participate in politics when they up.

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Nowadays nobody doubts that  english is one of the international languages around  the world. the role of english in the society has significantly increased. almost  every adult in the world dreams of mastering  spoken and written english. moreover, they want their children to speak english well. there are many reasons for that. first of all, anywhere you travel people know this language. secondly, all business around  the world is made  in english. in fact every area  requires the knowledge of this language. students know that english plays a significant  role in education and their future career. for professionals profound knowledge of  english is a good way to  get a higher salary  and quicker promotion. thirdly,most  books and periodicals are originally issued  in english. moreover, the majority of web sites  are maid in english. and, it goes without saying that all computer programs and applications use the english language. many famous films and songs are also in english. we can go on adding points to  this list forever, this already clearly shows that english is the language of the entire world.

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