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Задавать вопросы о том, подчеркнутый слова 1. museums organize sieepovers, at halloween time. 2. we come late in the evening, play games, make costumes and masks 3. then the real fun begins: witchts, ghosts and monsters come and play with us! 4. we come to a big dark room and they tell us scary stories. 5. we go to sleep very late and we sleep in our sleepiing bags. 6. in the morning we wake up and see dinosaurs next to us подчеркнутые слова 1.at halloween time. 2.play games, make costumes and masks 3. witchts, ghosts and monsters 4.scary stories. 5. very late 6.dinosaurs

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.when do museums organize sleepovers? 2.what do we do when we come late in the evening? 3.who come and play with us when the real fun begins? 4.what do the do when we come to a big dark room? 5.when do we go to sleep? 6.whom do we see in the morning next to us when we wake up?

1.do i like fruits much ? 2.did john play in 3.does he usually sleep well ? 4.was he having lunch. 5.has helen just made her bed ? 6.are they watching. . 7.will the students have finished the test. ? 8.had the boy learned. 9.will you be going to moscow.

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