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Use of english
time: 30 minutes (36 points)
_belief, but scientists say there is nothing to (16)
wever, the use of this vegetable as a natural (17) goes back
egyptians, and research shows that it can be an effective
for coughs, sore throats and upset stomachs, among other
unfortunately, many people dislike the smell, but you can take it in
task 1
put each verb in brackets (1 - 20) into a suitable verb form.
0 - is done for you as an example.
meople get colds from viruses, not from being cold. (20)
y help you to (21) getting a cold. researchers at cardiff
umon cold centre found that a fall in body temperature can
viruses to become active. in a (23)_ a group of people
in (24)_ of iced water for 20 minutes. a third of them
the next five days, compared to only 9% of another group who
task 2
gain and complete the gaps 5-24 with the words below:
two babies
on a cold autumn day in the second quarter of the 16 century a boy 0 (to be
born) was born to a rich family of the name of tudor. he was wanted very much by
the family and the whole nation. people 1
(to walk) along the
streets talking only about the new baby. edward tudor, prince of wales, who
(to lie) in silk and 3
(not to know) that all
england 4
- (to dream) of his birth so much. on the same day
another english child was born to a poor family of the name of canty. he
(to give the name of tom tom canty's parents
(never to want) him. and now he 7
(to lie)
in his dirty rags crying softly.
a few years 8
(to pass). tom and his family still
(to live) not far from london bridge in the house built in the
previous century. tom's father often got drunk, 10
(to fight) with
his neighbours and 11_
- (to beat) his children. "we
(to live) in this house since tom's granny
_(to come to london. the house 14
_(to get)
old. in fact, it already 15
(to become) ancient. it is impossible to
live here anymore. but we 16
(to move) only if we
(to have) a lot of money. i should make tom
(to beg). he 19
(never to beg) before, 1
know. it's high time for him to begin," tom's father often 20
ansfer your answers to the answer sheet!

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Питер паркер обычный подросток. он живёт в нью-йорке со своей тетей мэри. у питера мало друзей. его лучшая подружка мэри джейн живет по соседству. однажды питера укусил паук в научной лаборатории. теперь у есть особенные силы! он сильный и быстрый, и он может лазать по стенам прямо как паук! люди любят его, но он враг злого зеленого гоблина. может ли человек-паук остановить его? посмотрите этот восхитительный фильм, чтобы узнать

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