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who live in poland?
what is the movie about?
when did you get married?
where do you learn english?
why are you crying?
which dress should i buy?
whose cat is that?

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Ответы на вопрос:

кто живет в польше? о чем кино? когда вы поженились? где вы учите ? почему ты плачешь? какое мне платье купить? чей это кот?




who live in poland? – кто живет в польше?

what is the movie about? – о чем этот фильм?

when did you get married? – когда ты женился?

where do you learn english? – где ты учишь ?

why are you crying? – почему ты плачешь?

which dress should i buy? – какое платье мне купить?

whose cat is that? – ч ей это кот?

// pascalabc.net 3.3, сборка 1583 от 25.11.2017 // внимание! если программа не работает, обновите версию! begin   var a: =arrrandom(readinteger('n=',50); a.println;   var s: =a.select((v,i)-> (v,i)); // последовательность в памяти не хранится   var max: =s.take(3).max(t-> t[0]);   var imax: =a.indexesof(t-> t=max).first;   var min: =s.takelast(3).min(t-> t[0]);   var imin: =a.indexesof(t-> t=min).last;   writeln('максимальный из первых трех - №',imax+1,': ',a[imax]);   writeln('минимальный из последних трех - №',imin+1,': ',a[imin]); end. пример: n= 17 -34 37 26 41 19 24 19 4 -7 -31 5 -23 -40 -40 -31 -28 -12 максимальный из первых трех - №2: 37 минимальный из последних трех - №15: -31


my school is guilty of a beautiful and calm. i want to spend more than an hour with the yakomog, and not check out the impatience of the lesson. the school of my country is now well possessed.

at such a school obov’yazkovo will be a swimming pool and a sports maidan. it’s beautiful at the cabins, the sound of the sounding boards will be interactive, and on the skin in the skin cabinet, lie kilim. students in schools of my life and children. at the corridors of the school stand pink sofas. at the skin doctor at the desk computer. the school biblical books and various books.

also at the school’s school, there’s a lot of room for study, for those who want to be familiar with music and musical instruments, without having to re-start playing music on any kind of instrument. more than just cabins for lovers of cuisine, professional kitchens, and more to learn how to do wonderful things. well, it’s soundly, a room for dance lovers and vocals.

teachers in schools of my life, good wisdom and talent. stink will be an organization of excursions in the territory of the country and trips for the best students will be completely shredded.

at such schools, i think i want to read everything. i want to feel better, but if i really want to, i want to know about the school.


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